College of Nursing, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, S.India

65 nurses and midwives have been enrolled in the leadership development programme.

The College of Nursing, Christian Medical College, Vellore consciously strives to develop young nurses and midwives as professionally excellent and ethically sound individuals with an exciting and rewarding career equipping them to take the role of specialists, educators, counselors, leaders and administrators. The following are the activities tentatively planned : A major event coming up during the year 2020 is the community health nurses conference on” Universal Health Coverage. During that time there will be the official launch of the Nightingale Challenge by College of Nursing, CMC Vellore in the presence of Dr.T. Dileep Kumar, President Indian Nursing Council. The young faculty will be given opportunity to reflect on Nursing as a rewarding profession and would compile them and release a souvenir of the same. In service education and workshop will be conducted for capacity building. Visiting schools to propaganda nursing as a career and conducting a panel discussion on Nursing in a good TV Channel, conducting Health exhibitions quiz programmes empowering young nurses are some activities planned. Research on the effectiveness of ongoing Nurse led programmes will be undertaken