This webinar has now taken place. You can access the recording here.
You can find the slides here:
Compassion: What is it and how does it help? Dr. Martina Balaam
Workplace Compassion, Dr. Sally Pezaro
Click here to listen to Anthony Harbin, Global Administrator for the Nightingale Challenge read ‘Blessing’ by John O’Donahue.
Stay tuned for our second compassion webinar coming soon!
On 6th May at 3pm (BST), Nursing Now will host the first of two webinars to discuss self and workplace compassion.
This webinar will provide you with the tools to better recognise when you are stressed and burning out, and offer examples of ways to practice compassion towards yourself and your colleagues during these particularly challenging times. Expert speakers will include Dr Martina Balaam and Dr Sally Pezaro.
Read the agenda here.
We very much hope that this will be a highly interactive webinar, during which participants will have the opportunity to share their thoughts and exchange best practices for coping in challenging times.
Don’t forget…
To register for the webinar, please click here.
We want to know what “compassion” and “self-compassion” means to you. Please fill in this form prior to the webinar.