On 24th May, Nursing Now will hold its “Global Footprints” end of campaign event to celebrate the successes and achievements of this global movement.
Along with Nursing Now partners, the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization, we will travel around the world for a series of six regional sessions during which we will hear from Nursing Now groups and Nightingale Challenge programmes as they reflect on experiences and lessons learned during the Nursing Now campaign.
Together with the Nursing Now network, early-career nurses and midwives, political leaders, Nursing Now campaign champions, health employers and stakeholders we would like to commemorate the end of the Nursing Now campaign by coming together to celebrate its global impact and discuss its legacy, the Nursing Now Challenge.
We are keen to showcase the work of Nursing Now groups and Nightingale Challenge programmes throughout this event, so please do send us photos that represent your Nursing Now/ Nightingale Challenge journey, OR a short video message from your Nursing Now Group lead/ Nightingale Challenge programme lead (no more than 60 seconds), OR a quote from your Nursing Now Group /Nightingale Challenge programme that highlights how you feel this experience has supported nursing and nurses globally.
Please send your photos/ videos/ quotes to info@nursingnow.global.
Please note, we will not be able to accept submissions after 3rd May 2021.
This event will be free and open to all. The event platform and registration will be open in April – stay tuned for more information!