The Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Program (CFRP) is administered by an educator nurse, Dr. Tuğba Pehlivan who is completed her PhD at psychiatric nursing. This program was developed within the scope of the doctoral dissertation and then is started to implement at our hospital in order to strengthen caregivers who are working at oncology-hematology, intensive care unit, pediatric clinic etc where are known to be at risk for compassion fatigue. CFRP is a training program that is aimed to to recognize and deal with compassion fatigue for the caregivers and to provide them the knowledge and skills to improve psychological resilience and so that thay work with the highest level of functionality in the workplace. The same program was given to chief nurses last year, and it was found that compassion fatigue, burnout and stress levels were decreased, and psychological resilience levels were increased of nurses. For this reason, it is aimed to strengthen the team leader nurses within the scope of nursing now nightingale challenge this year by applying the same program. The program is planned as two half days with one week break.
First week: Pre-test, Self-introduction by participants, expectations from education, Program introduction, Historical development of compassion fatigue in caregivers, What is compassion fatigue and how it is occurred? Compassion fatigue risk factors, Symptoms of compassion fatigue, To be aware of our own compassion fatigue personal story, Perceived stress and the relationship with the Sympathetic Nervous System (FAQ), Summarizing and ending the session
Second week, Evaluation of the previous session. What is compassion fatigue resiliency skills? Self-regulation, Intentionality, Connection and support, Perceptual maturation, Self-care, Designing a self-directed resiliency plan, Summarizing and ending the session, Post-test.
40 nurses and midwives have been enrolled on this Nightingale Challenge programme.