National Group
Nursing Now Maldives was launched on 26 November 2019 by The President of The Maldives, His Excellency Mr.Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and The First lady, Ms. Fazna Ahmed.
The launch was attended by several ministers of the cabinet including the Minister of Health, the parliamentary group leader, representatives from the UNICEF, UNDP & WHO country offices, CEOs & Directors of the Major hospitals of the Maldives and, retired, senior and young nurses.
Nursing Now Maldives by The Maldivian Nurses Association in collaboration with The Maldives Nursing and Midwifery Council and WHO Maldives plans to achieve the five Nursing Now goals through a series of activities in 2019 and 2020.
For more information please contact Aminath Nahooda: maldiviannursesassociation@gmail.com