The world’s attention, efforts, and finances are firmly on tackling COVID-19, rightfully so. However, with the focus on the pandemic, essential health services—ranging from safe delivery to family planning to immunization to malaria treatment—are being undermined. Nurses and midwives play a critical role—they provide COVID-19 care and are at the forefront of ensuring communities continue to access much-needed routine services.
The COVID-19 experience, combined with the evidence and recommendations from the State of the World’s Nursing Report, makes it crystal clear that we need to invest in nursing and midwifery globally. We need more nurses and midwives, properly educated, with decent pay and conditions, and able to work to their full license.
Join Seed Global Health, Nursing Now, Partners in Health, University of Global Health Equity, and the Nurses Lead | Midwives Lead campaign partners for an engaging online conversation during the first-ever virtual UN General Assembly. Nurse and midwife leaders will share their experiences in the face of COVID-19, discuss strategies needed to address the shortages in their professions, and galvanize support for continued investments to ensure health for all.
Tune in to hear from…
Dr. Barbara Stilwell, Executive Director, Nursing Now
Bongi Sibanda, Nurse Consultant and Founder, APN Africa
Elizabeth Iro, Chief Nursing Officer, World Health Organization
Harriet Nayiga, Director, Midwife-Led Community Transformation
Professor Sheila Tlou, Co-Chair, Global HIV Prevention Coalition and Nursing Now
*More panelists will be announced
WEBINAR | Building the Bridge: Nurses and Midwives Protect Essential Health Services During COVID-19
Date | Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time | 9 -10 AM EDT
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