As part of the Nightingale Challenge’s series of webinars for employers, Margaret Martin, Nurse Manager of Development of Practice & Workplace Capabilities from South Eastern Sydney Local Health District in Sydney, Australia, discussed compassionate leadership in her session “Leadership – The heart of care”.
Margaret explored leadership, leadership vs management, types of leadership and the elements of leadership that allow us to ensure safe, effective care that is person centred and compassionate, through a framework that identifies four elements: connecting human to human, engaging as a team, creating workplace cultures and self-care and well-being.
More than 30 participants took part in the webinar, with questions about the empowerment of junior nurses to engage in leadership and the fundamental aspects of leading, as well as how transactional and transformational leadership can exist together, challenging practice, the role of MBTI in the exploration of oneself prior to leadership development and the role of self-care and well-being in teams.
Find the materials from the webinar here: