Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College

80 nurses and midwives have been enrolled on the training and development programme.

1. In service training programme on Patient Safety clinical competency for Nursing officers working in parent hospital
2. A visit to Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) Headquarters for identifying the organization setup, functions and
the policies.
3. In-service Workshop on Mental Health awareness for Novice Nursing students in collaboration with District Mental
Health Programme; District Hospital, Meerut (National Health Mission).
4. An educational and skill based training is planned on 29 th & 30 th January on Eminence Clinical Practice for nursing
professionals and nursing interns.
5. To attend webinar on Nursing Now on 14 th November organizing by your esteemed organization.
Still another programmes are planning for 2020 and will update the same soon.

As the world battles against Covid 19, nurses all over the world are actively caring the affected. On the occasion of World Health Day 2020, to thank the selfless effort of all the nurses, a short video is prepared by Panna Dhai Maa Subharti Nursing College, Meerut (Constituent college of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University):