
Nursing Now Peru was launched on 9th August, with a mass demonstration of solidarity among nurses on the Avenida de la Peruanidad. The objective of this meeting was to give visibility to the work carried out by nurses. Participants highlighted the various roles and specialities of nurses as health professionals.

To encourage participation and positive online presence, Nurisng Now Peru ran a competition to see who could come up with the best hashtag for the event. The winner was #EnfermeríaGrandeYFuerte – meaning ‘strong nursing’.

Local Groups 

Local Nursing Now groups are springing up across Peru, so check back here for updates if there isn’t yet one listed near you.

  • The Regional Council of the College of Nurses of Peru, which is based in the region of San Martin, Peru, launched a local group on 10th July 2019. Attendees included local political and academic authorities, including academic authorities of the regional universities. Approximately 130 people participated in the launch, including graduates and nursing students.

The focus of the launch was the empowerment of nurses in the San Martín Region, as well as the groups’ objectives for 2020.

For more information, contact:

  • Hacer Para Crecer – Contact Reyna Aranda, Coordinator:
  • Peruvian Nursing Association in Europe – Contact Manuel Galvez General Adviser –
  • Asociación Nacional de Estudiantes de Enfermería del Perú (ANEEP) – Contact Cinthya Karem Murguia de la Torre, Administrative Secretary:
  • Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia – Contact Yesenia Musayón, Coordinadora de Grupo de Investigación CuidARt-e: