Regional Clinical Hospital №1

Regional clinical hospital No. 1 , Tyumen. In December 2019, she registered on the site to participate in the mass nursing movement Nursing Now. Nurses started working on the project “Modern model of nursing care “Clinical nurse”. The goal of our project is to update and deepen the role of a nurse in the treatment and diagnostic process and increase patient satisfaction with the quality of medical care. For this we offer: to expand the functional responsibilities of nurses, effective use of time and a qualified nurse to achieve personal responsibility for a patient, with follow-up of patients from time of admission until discharge.

The goal of the project is to Introduce an innovative model of nurses ‘ work based on the principle of “universal nurse”, based on the analysis of patient problems.

Project objective:

1. Development of a method of nursing analysis and solving patient problems, as well as an innovative model of nurses ‘ work based on the principle of “universal nurse”.

2. Organization of a group to implement a model of nurses ‘ work based on the principle of “universal nurse”, based on the analysis of the patient’s problems.

3. Assessment of the degree of readiness of the internal environment of a medical organization to implement an innovative model.

4. The establishment of a coordinating and educational center for the training of universal nurses.

5. Introduction of a model of nurses ‘ work based on the principle of “universal nurse”, based on the analysis of the patient’s problems.

6. Monitoring the model of nurses ‘ work based on the principle of “universal nurse”, based on the analysis of patient problems, for the analysis of clinical effectiveness.

7. Summarizing the results of the clinical effectiveness analysis.

The innovative model of nurses ‘ work based on the principle of “universal nurse”, based on the analysis of the patient’s problems, in practice allows changing the traditional model of the nurse’s activity to a patient-oriented one, i.e. the patient is at the center of all efforts and all types of activities of the nursing staff. One of the advantages of this organizational model is that, in the end, all nurses in the Department can perform dressings, injections, infusions and carry out care activities on the principle of interchangeability. In addition, the niversal nurse is able to determine whether the patient can perform various physical activities, primarily for self-service, identify mental health problems, and monitor the effectiveness of rehabilitation, adaptation of the patient in society, assess the quality of his life, and determine the amount and content of care outside the medical organization.

15 nurses and midwives have been enrolled in the leadership development programme.