Since the Nightingale Challenge launched in June 2019 the response in India has been truly inspiring. To date, there are currently over 8,500 nurses and midwives signed up from 208 organisations from around the country, accounting for almost a third of the total participants globally.
This webinar, “The challenges to nurse leadership in India”, will take place at 9:30 am BST on 19th August. It will be hosted by Programme Director Lisa Bayliss-Pratt with opening remarks from Nursing Now Co-Chair Lord Nigel Crisp. Other panelists present on the webinar will include Dr. Sangita Reddy, Managing Director of Apollo Hospitals Group, Dr. Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Registrar of Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Professor Suresh K. Sharma, Principal of All India Institute of Medical Sciences College of Nursing, Rishikesh, Dr. Elsa Sanatombi Devi, Nightingale Fellow Matt Daley, and young nurse leader Iris James.
The webinar will provide an opportunity to discuss some of the major challenges that are affecting nurse leadership in India today, including regulation and policymaking, lack of senior nurse leadership roles, gender imbalance, and COVID-19.