Warrington and Halton Teaching Hopsitals NHS Foundation Trust

We will deliver a programme of events across the twelve month period. These include a badge competition to create a commemorative badge for 2020 for WHH, a monthly nurse and midwife nominated for an award, park run, bike ride etc.. In addition we will be celebrating nurses and midwives from across different areas of clinical practice each month, highlighting students of both professions and returners too. We will also hold a conference this year. Our Nightingale leadership challenge will be met with a plan To deliver two cohorts of Leadership Development as part of a pilot extension to the WHH MDT Preceptorship Programme. Due to the typical demographics of our current preceptors, this will meet the requirements of the Nightingale Challenge, whilst also aligning to organisational need, regional and national drivers, and has the opportunity to inform the Cheshire and Merseyside Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Programme Preceptorship Sub Group.

40 nurses and midwives have been enrolled in the leadership development programme.