The courageous work of nurses and midwives in the face of the global pandemic deserves to be honored now more than ever with more than just applause. That’s why, in partnership with Women in Global Health, to close the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, we are excited to unveil our 2020 List of 100+Outstanding Women Nurses and Midwives, and their stories.
Nurses and midwives — the overwhelming majority of whom are women—are the backbone of primary health systems. Their care during this monumental year has had an impact far beyond the facilities in which they work. To mark the end of the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, we invited nominations of outstanding women nurses and midwives from all over the world, whose influence is felt beyond the regions in which they live and work. Despite shortages of PPE, a lack of support and crippling uncertainty, these women represent millions more nurses and midwives on the frontlines of patient care, providing solutions, every day, to people around the globe.
We have been collecting and curating the stories of over 100 nominees throughout the year. Let us use the stories of their everyday heroism and service to call for all countries to invest in decent work and a new social contract for all women health workers, particularly, nurses and midwives as part of their commitment to health for all. Above all, we want nurses and midwives to have an equal say in decision making on the health systems they know best.