Nursing Now Tanzania was officially launched on 4th April 2019 at an event attended by 257 nurses and midwives from across the country. The launch was held at Dodoma city Jamhuri Stadium, with Guest of Honor, Hon. Ummy Ally Mwalimu (MP) Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children in attendance.
As part of the celebration, nurses and midwives provided health screening such as diabetes, and HIV test, as well as eye test and cervical screening, to over 600 members of the public over the course of three days. In addition to the health services, there were also exhibitions about the contribution of nurses and midwives to national health services. Various speeches were made by high-level stakeholders and the Nursing Now Tanzania team which highlighted the targets and plans for the campaign over the coming years.
Nursing Now Country Targets
During the campaign, Tanzania will work to:
- Standardize curriculum for nursing courses at bachelor level
- Develop Nursing and Midwifery Professional Framework that will help in guiding trainings at all levels
- Facilitate approval of the proposed scheme of service for Nurses and Midwives.
- Provide support for Nurses and Midwives to be able considering professional ethics, safety of patients, respectful and compassionate care during provision of services
- Facilitate availability of accurate data regarding Nursing and Midwifery Services
- Develop proposal/concept note on how to increase engagement of Nurses and Midwives in decision making positions
- Increase sponsorship for Nursing and Midwifery training at bachelor and masters level
- Develop proposal/concept note on how district council can collaborate with development partners in employing Nurses and Midwives a short term employment to address the existing critical shortage especially in maternity services
- Organize meetings between Professional Associations; Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children; and Ministry of Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled to discuss on establishment of Trade Union for Nurses and Midwives
- Conduct situational analysis and see if two shifts per day can be implemented and develop guidelines of implementing two shifts per day in all facilities to increase efficiency
- Facilitate availability of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Nurses and Midwives
- Identify and take disciplinary measures to few Nurses and Midwives who are ignoring professional ethics in the practice
- Strengthen proper utilization of the partograph in all facilities during labour and delivery
- Prepare special one year implementation plan to address National targets for Nursing Now campaign with indicators that will report positive changes
Read more about Nursing Now Tanzania here.