Today marks the official launch of Nursing Now Australia. At an event hosted by the Australian College of Nurses, and attended by Australia’s major nursing organisations, Lord Nigel Crisp, Co-Chair of the Nursing Now campaign addressed attendees to congratulate Nursing Now Australia on its launch and its invaluable contribution to the campaign.
Australia joins the Nursing Now campaign, eager to build on its platform and develop Australia’s nursing workforce so that it is capable of meeting the future health needs of the nation.
“Compared to many other nations, Australia is fortunate in terms of universal health coverage through our system of Medicare,” Australian College of Nursing CEO, Adjunct Professor Kylie Ward said. “However, access to the health system remains unequal. There are still unacceptable disparities in health outcomes for those on a low income, people for whom English is not a first language, those living in rural and remote areas, and most particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and the aged care tsunami is bearing down on us. Universal health coverage for all Australians is not possible without developing the nursing workforce and allowing them to fully utilise their skills and expertise,” explained Professor Ward.
“I believe that developing nursing is one of the single biggest things we can do to improve health globally. The energy, expertise and commitment demonstrated by Nursing Now Australia will make an invaluable contribution to our growing global campaign. We are united in our efforts to improve health globally by raising the status and profile of nursing and midwifery,” explained Lord Crisp, Co-Chair, Nursing Now and Co-Chair, UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health.
To read more about the global reach of Nursing Now, click here.