Today marked the launch of Nursing Now Ireland. At an event hosted by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) at the Richmond Education and Event Centre in Dublin, nursing leaders and other high-level stakeholders from the world of public health gathered to present Nursing Now Ireland and discuss the importance of nursing.
Dame Christine Beasley, member of the global Nursing Now Campaign Board, welcomed Ireland to the Nursing Now movement, and presented an overview of the goals of the Nursing Now campaign. Other speakers called for national and global recognition of nurses’ contribution to healthcare and gender equality.
INMO President and nurse Martina Harkin-Kelly said, “Patients and health staff can tell you – nurses are consistently undervalued. Nursing Now aims to change that, demonstrating the incredible work that nurses do worldwide. Not only are we the lynch-pin of health services, nurses are a driving force in ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being around the world.”
This event gathered practising nurses in Ireland who shared inspirational stories of their work and discussed their commitment to Nursing Now’s cause.
“Nursing and nurses in leadership are changing the face of healthcare delivery in Ireland and worldwide. Innovative and effective developments in nurse led and delivered healthcare are improving health outcomes and delivering more economic healthcare. Fundamentally, nurses are improving lives, our society and economies and we can do more when nurses are empowered to do their job,” explained Dr Edward Mathews, INMO Director of Professional and Regulatory Services.
Nursing Now is an ever growing social movement, now with over 200 groups in more than 80 countries. Read more about the global reach of Nursing Now here.